A traitor, a friend you think is close but will betray you, and you know it. What would you do? The first thing anyone would do is to protect themselves, it’s in our nature. But that is not what Jesus did.
The last supper. Something that most Christians know and understand to be the Passover meal where Jesus ate with his disciples. But it says that all twelve where there, meaning Judas of Iscariot was there as well. And Jesus knew that Judas would betray Him. Yet Jesus still served the Last Supper and the first communion.
Jesus invited someone He loved to be His disciple while knowing what would happen. As seen in Matt 26: 47-50 Judas betrayed Jesus with a kiss. Yet Jesus was not surprised. Evan after being arrested He would not stray from the path He knew would lead to the cross. Giving Himself for us so that we may have life.
As easy as it is to put Judas in the role of a villain, how are we any different? We are all sinful and would not have the hope of a new life without the sacrifice of Jesus. We would be tempted and fall into sin just like Judas.
But we don’t choose that. We who have chosen a new life in Christ have the hope of God. Good Friday is a day where Jesus died but the promise of rising from the dead is still to come.
Sarah Aguilara