Please, No Tests

Please, No Tests - 9/2/2020


I hate tests. I always have. I’m a pretty good student, but I’ll take a paper over an exam any day. Tests make me anxious because I never feel like I’ve studied enough (to be fair, sometimes I haven’t). I also don’t like the prospect of failing (maybe you can resonate with that?).


As I’ve been reflecting on “being in the wilderness” I’ve been reminded that, in the Bible, wilderness experiences usually involve testing. The Israelites were tested in the wilderness. They failed! But God was faithful anyway. Jesus was tested in the wilderness. He was faithful! In this wilderness the Church is being tested. 


Think about this with me. How are Christians responding to the political environment? How are Christians reflecting Christ in their social media presence? How are Christians responding to the issues surrounding racial inequity? How are Christians responding to COVID? How are Christians responding to laying down their individual rights for the good of others? Let me be a bit more pointed. Are those who name the name of Christ responding with the fruit of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)? Are Christians choosing humility – like Jesus – refusing to judge quickly and asking how they can serve others? Are Christians choosing unity around the Gospel, or allowing division around other ideologies? 


My assessment? This testing is a time of purifying. I’m not sure that our affirmations are aligning with our attitudes. There are many quiet examples of grace-filled, Spirit-following believers, but there is also a lot that doesn’t feel that way. I know that the Kingdom of God will advance, but I think it might be much a smaller army than when we started this season. Stronger, but smaller. 


Before you accuse me of casting stones, I have had to wrestle with my own heart in this season. Judgement, frustration, resignation (without joy), discouragement, and anxiety have all showed up to the party at one time or another. But, I have found two things that are hopeful about wilderness testing: 1. The test isn’t graded until the end – so we can make corrections; 2. God is a God of grace who has provided forgiveness through Jesus – so we can confess and repent.


So…I hate tests. But I have never been able to get out of a test, I have always had to get through the test. Thankfully, while God gives the test, He also stays with me through it. My prayer that I will be faithful, I hope you will be too.


Pursue Christ – He is enough,


            Pastor Jeff